great massage therapist recommendation

I had the pleasure recently of getting a massage from a wonderful massage therapist, Megan Connell, whom I highly recommend.  I didn’t want to leave.  Just the time to myself was priceless.  The added bonus of a relaxing, feel-good massage was wonderful! Can you hear your body thanking you already?

Megan specializes in Swedish and Deep Tissue massage, and has been certified in pre-natal massage by instruction with Susan-Rachel Condon, a midwife and certified Childbirth Educator.    She has worked with a Chiropractor for 4 years, which has allowed her to focus on problems of a specific nature and to have a good understanding of individual muscles and their relationship with each other in movement.

Megan Connell is a graduate of the Swedish Institute and has been practicing massage since 1999. She became interested in bodywork because of her own experience with scoliosis.  Her back was fused at age 15 because of a growing curvature of the spine, and during college this fusion started causing discomfort.  She began working extensively with a teacher of The Alexander Technique, which guides students to understand and change their bodily habits, habits that may be undermining the efficiency and ease of their own body’s use.  This led to an acute interest and understanding of the body, which informs her work as a massage therapist.

For appointments call Megan at 646-489-8090 or email